18 February, 2014

Pre-Birthday @ Seoul Garden, Gurney Plaza

Hello dear readers, just a very quick update about my outing with my friends. So, we are supposed to play the "Break the Code" game on that day. Haplessly, plan fail. But anyway, Edison fetch me around 2.45p.m. ? (thank you, in case you're reading this). Sooner or later, we meet up with Whey, Tzeyee and Kong Yik at Seoul Garden, Gurney Plaza. Fyi, it is a buffet meal (barbecue and mini steamboat) . There are various flavours of fish, chicken, squid and many more. And they have dimsum, fish balls, fries, nuggets, fruits and desserts! In my opinion, it's worth for the price as you can eat to your heart's content. HAHA!
The circle area are NOT meant for barbecue. 

The food is prepared by Chef Lee Kong Yik. It is superb. When i say superb it means HOLIAO laaa. So, next time if you're going Seoul Garden, remember to bring Kong Yik along. 
In case you did not know how he looks like...
Left to right : Edison - Chef Lee
And of course, a group picture with everyone. 

From left to right: TzeYee, Whey, Me, Edi, Kong Yik.
Edi was eating and I was playing the "FlappyBird" game. So, i was not conscious what is going on around me until i heard … "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU………" (a birthday song). Then, i looked around and i was really surprised that Whey is holding a cake and walking towards me. I can't stop laughing i really don't know why.
Its homemade crepe cake with marshmellow topping made by Jwhey. 
Thank you so much guys. Thank you thank you thank you! Btw, Whey your cake is really naise ok? Sayang you kao kao! 

This is my surprise Pre-Birthday 1, there are more Birthday post coming soon. So, stay tuned. 
Till here, x

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